Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Here comes....DIGITALIS

I am very very curious as to how our concert will go next month. It seems like there are so many moving parts that I have no idea how it will work. To place the concert on a binary of how it might not work, I am afraid that each person will either have too much influence or too little.

By this I mean, I think each classmate and visitor with a computer may have too much power, with each of us working seperately and creating nothing but chaos. The other extreme is that this chaos will be funneled accordingly through several people, so that the size of Digitalis - all 180 or so strong - won't be represented and the music we produce will not be significantly different from what 70 or maybe even 20 more skilled musicians could produce.

Of course, this is a good deal of pessimism and I know this has happened in the past, so I am sure that the concert itself will fall somewhere in the middle, outside of this binary in some form of success.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Rainy Day Clouds

So the clouds assignment is wrecking my mind. I have always defined. music by it being at least EITHER melodic or rhythmic, and hopefully both. So to create something that fits in neither category is definitely creating a challenge for me.
Part of my difficulty is coming from the fact that clouds to me is that I am used to plotting out my pieces based on some sort of plan or theme, and I feel like any plan or theme I use will impose either tonality or rhythm on the piece. I am experimenting with trying to overcome this two ways. In a couple of my cloud pieces I am deliberately trying to do less plotting, and focus more time on pulling together parts of more improvisational selections I make using the patches for MSP.
The other technique I am trying is to take the plotting i do and abstract the organization another layer, so single beats or notes are not organized, but so that sections are, even as they fade and flow into each other. Hope it works!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Video killed the Radio Star

So I am very excited about the work my group will be doing for the final performance. I think that many who come to the final will hopefully be able to appreciate the concert better because of the work we do as the visualization group.

Our main plan as it stands is to try and get as many cameras as possible in the amphitheater trained on performers, technicians and just the regular students at their laptops. I think there will be so much data and action going on at once, every moment of the production, that I think the visualization will be a great way to focus everyone on one area of what's going on.

I'm sure this might change before the final production, but I am definitely looking forward to our work.